BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About document workflow types > Understanding workflow definitions

Understanding workflow definitions

Workflow definitions give you complete flexibility to configure document workflows to meet your organization’s unique requirements. Workflow definitions are similar to document type workflow in the sense that they are both composed of states and transitions. Workflow states represent steps in the change control process where different actions can be performed on documents by different users. The name of a workflow state also becomes its current Status value. Workflow transitions represent specific actions that users can take in the change control process to change a document’s state, and thereby its Status, from one to another. An entire workflow, from its start state to an end state, results in one new revision of a document, more if transitions are also configured to generate new revisions.

The basic difference between document type workflow and workflow definitions is that predefined workflow states and transitions are created automatically for you in document type workflow when you select change-control process options. You can create very configurable workflow states and transitions manually in workflow definitions.

The following table summarizes the other significant differences between workflow definitions and document type workflow.

Workflow type comparison
Workflow Definitions Document Type Workflow

Advanced workflows

Basic workflows

Completely configurable

Standard engineering workflow options

State and transition names configurable

State and transition names not configurable

Multiple workflows available per document type

One workflow available per document type

More complicated to configure

Easier to configure

Initial workflow manager is configurable

Initial workflow manager is the workflow initiator

Workflow state and transition security configurable

Workflow state and transition security not configurable

Parallel routing configurable

Parallel routing not possible

Multiple to-do persons configurable

Single to-do person

Manual revision creation configurable

Manual revision creation not allowed

Transitions in different workflow definitions can be considered equivalent for batch execution

No transition equivalence

Transition visibility configurable

Transition visibility not configurable

Transitions can be interlocked with project workflows to maintain project integrity

Transitions cannot be interlocked with project workflows

Wizard pages may be shown during transitions to input additional data or control routing

Wizard pages may not be shown during transitions

Transitions can create new revisions

Transitions cannot create new revisions

Tip    Before creating workflow definitions, it can be very helpful to first plan the requirements of each workflow definition using the items in the preceding table.

Creating workflow definitions and configuring each of the items in the preceding table are described in the following topics.

Related tasks

Creating and editing workflow definitions

Creating and editing states

Creating and editing transitions

Drawing a workflow diagram

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